Assistant Teams, In-App Phone Numbers, and More

Assistant Teams: AI-powered IVR (AIVR)

Assistant Teams Image

We’re excited to introduce our new feature that organizes AI voice assistants into a streamlined hierarchy. A lead assistant manages general inquiries while specialized subagents handle specific domains and requests.

  • Efficient Routing: Eliminate the need for button presses. Speak your request and be instantly directed to the appropriate specialist—no traditional IVR required.
  • Specialized Support: Subagents are experts in focused areas like billing, technical issues, or product-specific queries, delivering informed and precise assistance.
  • Seamless Collaboration: A lead assistant handles general inquiries, while subagents manage specialized concerns, enhancing the efficiency and speed of customer interactions.


  • A customer calls to inquire about returning a product. Instead of navigating a menu, they simply express the intent, “I want to return a product.” Instantly, they’re connected to a subagent who specializes in returns, streamlining the process.
  • Manage appointments for multiple locations through a single team, with subagents representing each specific location (e.g., dental practices).
  • Provide assistance in various languages by routing customers to subagents proficient in their preferred language.



Improve the accuracy and recognition of your conversational AI by adding words commonly used in your business, such as brand names and product names.

Assistant Import

Assistant Import

New features to make it easier for agencies to manage their subaccounts.

  • You can now directly import the assistants you've already created in your agency workspace, directly into your subaccounts with a click of a button.

Custom Intercom & Docs

Customize customer support for your subaccounts by connecting your own Intercom and adding your own support documentation.

No Twilio? No Problem!

No Twilio? No Problem!

We understand that not everyone has a Twilio account. That's why we now offer the option to purchase phone numbers directly on Synthflow for just $1.5 per month.