Call logs

This guide will go over call logs, including filtering and searching, call details, statuses, and end call reasons.

Call logs overview

Your call logs display:

a. Contact: The name or number of the contact involved in the call.

b. Date: The date and time of the call.

c. Duration: The length of the call.

d. Type: Live or Test.

e. Status: The current state or outcome of the call.


A call can have one of several statuses:

  • Completed: The call was successful, and the conversation concluded.
  • Busy: The contact's line was occupied, and the Assistant couldn’t connect.
  • Failed: The call couldn’t be completed due to technical or connection issues.
  • Hangup on Voicemail: The Assistant detected voicemail and ended the call.
  • No Answer: The call was placed, but no one picked up.
  • Paused: The call was put on hold, either manually or as part of a workflow.
  • Queue: The call is waiting in the queue and will be executed later.
  • Initiated: The call has started but hasn’t yet completed.

Filter and search for calls

1. Click on the dropdown menu to filter calls by date.

2. Click the filter icon to filter calls by type, status, duration, or labels.

3. Or, search for a call by its ID.

Call details

1. Click on any call to view more details.

a. In the Details tab, you can also find:

b. End Call Reason: The reason the call ended.

c. Call ID: The unique identifier assigned to the call.

d. Copy link: Click to copy a shareable link.

e. Download: Click to download the recording or transcript.

End Call Reason

A call can end for several reasons:

  • Voicemail: The call was answered by voicemail.
  • Human Goodbye: The human ended the conversation.
  • Agent Goodbye: The Assistant ended the conversation after completing its objective.
  • Max Duration: The call exceeded the maximum allowed time and was automatically ended.
  • Human Pick-up Cut-off: A human answered but was disconnected before a goodbye.
  • Undefined: The reason for the call ending is not specified.

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