How to: SIP with Dialpad
Connection Details
To connect to a Dialpad account via SIP, you must obtain the necessary SIP credentials and parameters. In this setup, Synthflow will function as an IP phone. You can retrieve the required parameters from the customer’s account by visiting: Dialpad portal. Either select an existing generic SIP IP phone or create a new one with manual provisioning.
Below is an example of how to obtain the IP phone connection details from the Dialpad:
SIP trunking is only available on the Synthflow Enterprise Plan.
Below is an example of how to obtain the IP phone connection details from Dialpad:
Select SIP Phone
Click on Need a shorter username?
Save the Connection Details for the next steps
To avoid being blocked by Dialpad’s antiflood logic be precise when copying and pasting sip details.
SIP-trunk Connection
Step 1: Go to the Synthflow phone numbers page and use the SIP information from Custom to add the Telephone Number to your Workspace:
Termination URI is your SIP Domain on Dialpad & Outbound Proxy is your Domain:Port on Dialpad
Attaching to the Assistant
To use your number, please go to Assistants, create a new one and attach the Number:
The agent needs to be on version 2.0
The SIP-trunk is created at the moment of attaching the SIP-Number to the assistant.
The registration on Dialpad will be processed in one or two minutes, and you can then try to make a call
Updated 2 days ago