Step 1.2: Overview Configuration Tab

This guide explains how to navigate and utilize the settings on the configuration tab.

Step 1: Begin by uploading an image if needed.

Step 2: Assign a name to the system. This helps in identifying the assistant.

Step 3: Choose the desired language.

Step 4: Select a voice that corresponds to the chosen language.

Remember, the language and voice should match. For instance, pair a German language with a German voice, and an English language with an English voice.

Step 6: Leave the AI model at its default setting.

Step 7: Adjust the patient's level. This controls the speed of exchanges with the user.

Step 8: Set up a custom greeting. This is the first thing the AI will say.

Step 9: Define a custom vocabulary. This helps the AI assistant pronounce specific names correctly, especially brand names.

If the AI Assistant mispronounces certain words, add them to this section

Step 10: Explore the advanced settings.

The most crucial setting here is the initial pause before speaking. This delays the custom greeting for a certain amount of seconds.

For instance, if it's set to thirty seconds, the custom greeting will start thirty seconds after the user picks up the phone.

Consider setting this delay to one or two seconds to give the user enough time to prepare for the conversation.