Q: If I give an assistant a name on the configure page is that the name its going to use on the phone?

A: The assistant's name in the configure page and the name used on the phone are different, you name the assistant in the prompt.
This means the assistant's name on the configure page can be "John AI" or "AI Call agent for ACME" but inside the prompt you can name the assistant "Derrick" and it will greet your customers as "Derrick"

Q: Do I have to a voice that matches the language?

A: Yes currently the voice must match the language you are using. So if you are using an English US Language the voice must be English.

Q: If I change the advanced voice settings around why does the agent sound better sometimes and worse some times?

A: The advanced settings are tweaked from us to sound the best in most scenarios. We suggest leaving them as is unless you need to make adjustments, then we only suggest making small adjustments as to not completely break the voice.

Q: Why is my agent talking to the voicemail of the customer or client I am calling?

A: The Voicemail detection rate is quite high for our agents but sometimes with specific voicemails, especially ones with the customer own voice speaking. If you would like a better experience with voicemail you can switch your Voicemail Detection to "Time based"

Q: Why does my inbound agent not allow for variables?

A: The inbound agents do not allow for variables because they wont know who is calling them before the call. There is a workflow that you can do with Custom Actions for inbound calls if you need your Assistant to reference information from outside of the application. This is done using the Api of the app you would like to get information from and then using a GET action to get the information while the call is happening.

Q: Is there any special Prompting from Synthflow that I can use?

A: Yes we do have few prompt templates in the template section, you can also use the Copilot to build a prompt as well.

Q: Do I have to buy a number from Synthflow or can I use my own telephone app?

A: We do not currently offer custom telephone apps for customers on plans lower than the Enterprise level.

Q: Why can't I Connect my GHL correctly?

A: You can learn more about that here.