Outbound Calls

Synthflow.ai Voice Phone Calling App User Manual


Welcome to the Synthflow.ai Voice Phone Calling App for Make.com! This guide will help you understand how to use our app to streamline your outbound phone calls. The app allows you to connect with customers, leads, and other contacts seamlessly using our advanced Voice AI technology.

Getting Started

To use the Synthflow.ai Voice Phone Calling App, you need to have an API Key from the Synthflow Dashboard. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Obtain your API Key:

    • Log in to your Synthflow Dashboard.
    • Navigate to the API section.
    • Copy your unique API Key.
  2. Set Up the App in Make.com:

    • Go to Make.com and create a new scenario.
    • Search for the Synthflow.ai Voice Phone Calling App and add it to your scenario.
    • Enter your API Key when prompted to connect your account.

Mappable Parameters

When setting up your scenario, you will need to map certain parameters to customize how the app works. Here are the parameters you can map:

  1. Model (Required)

    • Description: Select the Voice AI model you want to use for the call.
    • Type: Text
  2. Phone (Required)

    • Description: Enter the phone number of the person you want to call.
    • Type: Text
  3. Name (Required)

    • Description: Enter the name of the person you want to call.
    • Type: Text
  4. External Webhook URL (Optional)

    • Description: If you want to receive call data via a webhook, enter the URL here.
    • Type: Text
  5. Prompt (Optional)

    • Description: Enter the prompt or message you want the Voice AI to say during the call.
    • Type: Text
  6. Lead Email (Optional)

    • Description: Enter the email of the lead if you want to send follow-up emails.
    • Type: Text
  7. Lead Timezone (Optional)

    • Description: Enter the timezone of the lead to schedule calls at appropriate times.
    • Type: Text

Using the App

  1. Create a Scenario:

    • Once you have mapped the necessary parameters, create a scenario in Make.com to automate your calls.
    • You can set up triggers and actions to initiate calls based on specific events or schedules.
  2. Customize Your Calls:

    • Use the prompt parameter to personalize your message.
    • Use the external webhook URL to capture call data and integrate it with your CRM or other systems.
  3. Manage Leads:

    • Input lead email and timezone information to ensure timely follow-ups and improve customer engagement.