Outbound Zapier


You can use Zapier either via Synthflow or Zapier App directly.


  • A Synthflow account with API access enabled.
  • A Zapier account.

Connecting Synthflow to Zapier:

  • Log in to your Zapier account.
  • Click on "Make a Zap."
  • Search for and select "Synthflow" as your Trigger App.
  • Click "Connect" and then "Sign in to Synthflow."
  • Provide your Synthflow API credentials when prompted.
  • Confirm and test the connection.

Introduction to Zapier Integration

Zapier acts as a bridge between Synthflow AI and over 5,000 apps, automating workflows and enhancing the capabilities of your Outbound AI Assistant. By using Zapier, you can create a seamless connection between Synthflow AI and the software tools you rely on without writing a single line of code.

Setting Up Zapier with Synthflow AI

Connect with Twilio:

  • Ensure your Synthflow AI assistant is connected with Twilio for SMS functionalities, which is crucial for certain Zapier automations.

Select Phone Number:

  • Choose the phone number from your Twilio account that will be used for the assistant.

Configure API Key and Model ID:

  • Copy your Synthflow API Key and Model ID into the respective fields to authenticate your connection with Zapier.

Creating Zaps for Inbound Interaction

Sign in to Zapier:

  • Log in to your Zapier account or sign up if you're a new user.

Create a Zap:

  • Click the 'Zapier App' button to create a new Zap.
  • Set up a trigger event that corresponds with the Outbound interaction, like capturing a form via Typeform
  • Set up an action with Synthflow AI.
  • Step #1 Select the Voice - Make Phone Call
  • Connect to Synthflow by copying the API key in the Sign in popup

  • Map the related fields in the Action part

    • Model ID - Assistant unique identifier, check next step

    • Phone Number - the phone number that the Assistant will make a call too

    • Name - the User name the Assistant will call

    • Custom Variables - need to be named exactly as the Variables you define in Synthflow AI prompt part.

  • You can find the model ID either in the Header of the Assistant or in the Zapier Deployment tab

  • Click Test Trigger
  • Step #2 Add a new Synthflow AI Action and Select Voice - Get Phone Call to retrieve the transcript of the call
  • In the Call ID input we need to reference the previous call ID
    • Click on the input and choose Insert Data
    • Select Voice - Make Phone Call in Synthflow AI
    • Click on Response Call ID

Test Your Zap:

  • Once your Zap is configured, test it to ensure that it performs as expected when an outbound call is made.

Best Practices for Zapier Integration

  • Consistent Testing: Regularly test your Zaps to ensure they are working correctly with new incoming calls.
  • Documentation: Keep a record of the Zaps you've created and the workflows they automate.